Sunday, December 6, 2009

black grey beads, and a little yellow!!!

sorry i couldnt get a better name so why night describe my selection of of pictures from style.com chanels pre-fall 2010!! i was watching project runway one night and the told this girl black doesnot photograph well or look good on the runway well thats wrong chanel proved them wrong

i kinda like this jacket not love it... i just thought it reallygave a good image of the show. it kinda looks a little bit well like mad scientist with red boots!!!

love how the jacket is kinda mix media!! it grey then it blooms out

into a frilly matalic black featheryness! i really like her hat!!! it adds drama!!!

i really like this dress with the beads a little bit of yellow really is just perfect. i really like the pockets, and beads and everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this little bit of yellow cuaght my eye i dont love it but i thought it was important to show how little hints of color will really catch your eye

if your reading this comment pleez with sugar, wit sugar come on how can you turn that down hehe, love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. sorry the pictures well kinda got messed up if you cant read which comment goes with which tell me!!

  2. the girl in the first picture has WILD WILD hair :)

  3. i am enjoying your evolution of fashion commentary.
    I love the second (blooming coat, the textures of black and grey variations photograph awesomely) and third look (SO CHANEL with the edging and pockets, accesorized with the beads, very CoCo Chanel herself-look her up, she was genius! She is the reason it become fashionable for women to wear chic pants..) I love those metallicy leather skinny pants with the dress. Our favourite, pants under a dress!

    OH and I want those red satiny boots on the mad scientist, so fab!

  4. Hey Hannah! I love Chanel, especially their beautiful quilted bags with the chain strap:) You have great taste!!
